Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Red Sox Swap

Lot's of goodies - don't you think? I'm so excited I was in the "Red Sox Swap" on Ravelry. My partner was Kniterati. She got me EXACTLY right. Great sweet treats, GORGEOUS yarn - Fabulous tea, absolutely adorable baseball stitch markers and reading material. I shouldn't forget the tattoos, because I will definitely wear them on Tuesday - Home opener day. (I'm a teacher, so I can get away with that.)

If you're on Ravelry, and you like the Red Sox, you have to sign up for the Sox Knitters Group. It really is a lot of fun, and really informative. It is really one of my favorite things on Ravelry.

Thanks again Kniterati!

Go Sox,


sherriknits said...

oh, that's fun! opening day was fun here but we're not Red Sox

Virtuous said...

Yah I am not a "sport" fan of anything! LOL But anything RED catches my attention! :oD

YAH!!! Great package!

Anonymous said...

I found you through the Blogoversary button! Happy Blogoversary!!

Your knitted hats are adorable!!

I would like to invite you to pop over to my blog and enter in my Blogoversary Bloggy Giveaways (I'll be having 3 total over a period of about a week) if you are interested in any of the items I will be giving away!