Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's day

I realize it has been a while since I have written. We had to get a new computer, because our old one just basically died! Now we are in the process of trying to get everything on the new one, and it seems like this will take a LONG time. I am happy that this computer has so much space, but boy - what a pain!

I have been making progress on my dollar and a half sweater

which is actually a lot bigger now then when I took this picture. It has been going well, but I am having difficulty with the selvage edge, so I am keeping up with the lace, but not exactly as written.

I also finished my first sock in Socks that Rock (Fire on the Mountain), but when I put it on, it didn't fit right. It is in sport weight on 4's and I think I am going to rip it all out and make it into a hat and mittens for my daughter who is one.


1 comment:

sherriknits said...

Ohhhhh, I'm sorry after all that work your sock didn't fit! It looks great anyway.