Monday, July 16, 2007

cousin's scarf

I finally finished my cousin's scarf. She lives in Florida, so it is much more of an ornamental scarf, then one that we would use around here. I don't remember the yarn that I used, since I started it for her 40th birthday, and she turned 41 in April (tee hee). I believe it is a silk cotton blend by Karabella, but honestly, I don't remember. My cousin is a great woman, but unfortunately she is about 6 feet tall, and she wanted it to go to her waist. (I should have gone with the handbag!) I definitely had that experience where I would knit for about an hour and not have made any progress according to the tape measure. It is taking me a couple of times to block this scarf because it is bigger then my dining room table. I'm looking forward to sending this to her, because then it will really be done!

I started working out with a personal trainer last week. Boy am I sore! I figured it was time to take the plunge. I was a really steady weight until 1995 when I became a social worker and then I just ballooned up. (Stress sucks.) To make a long story short, it took a Master's degree, a job for 2 1/2 years and 40 pounds to make me realize that this was not the right career for me. I am glad I went to a profession that I now love (teaching) but I still have 30 pounds that need to come off. Thus the professional trainer. My legs are like jello and my arms and back are very sore. Everyone tells me it takes about 3 or 4 weeks to get back into workout shape - I am counting the days.

I am heading to NYC over the weekend, so if anyone has any suggestions of their favorite yarn stores, I'd love to hear from you.



Virtuous said...

Hey! I didn't have your e-mail address to respond back to you.
But Teddy had a great time! :oD

I don't have any recommendations for NYC yarn shops but I am sure if you google them a few will come up and you could go from there. Can't wait to hear about your yarn adventures there.

Have a great trip!

Romi said...

Lovely color! Have fun in NY! :)

CynCyn said...

OY! There are so many great stores! Seaport Yarns is very crowded, full of stuff. At first, you think there's not much there, then you stay and keep digging. And digging. Tip: write down their address and phone # b/c it's in some building down there and is NOT an obvious location.

School Products (on broadway?) has every Karabella product out there. Plus import yarn that's much cheaper than brand name yarns (cashmere, silk, handpaint, etc).

The Point NYC is the only other LYS i've been to in NYC. Has a cafe so you can have your kids enjoy some juice or whatever, while you peruse the yarn. It looks like they don't have much, but they keep most of it in the basement. Can be tricky to find.