Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The weekend as a Single girl

My Memorial Day weekend was very nice. My husband was a total darling and took the 2 girls to his mother's house on Cape Cod. I think everyone was happy. I got to make a great dent in the house, as far as cleaning goes and the rest of my family got to frolic at the beach. It may seem like I missed out - but let me assure you, I didn't. I got to plant the garden (which always takes WAY longer then I think it will. ) I also got to get some really good cleaning done - again, it would not have sounded that exciting to a 25 year old me - but at 39 I thought it was FAB-U-LOUS!
My oldest daughter is in school with a set of twins who have 2 moms. My husband and I have become friends with them, and they took pity on me for being alone. (It was extremely sweet and totally not necessary) and so they invited me to their house after the twins went to bed - in order to continue the kid free weekend - and fed me lobster. It was terrific. I have to say - they LOVE my husband. I am very happy that they think he is sweet, but there really isn't much to say except for - yea, I know. All in all is was a very nice night, except for the fact that I really hadn't talked to anyone for 36 hours and I was a little rusty in the conversation department.
I didn't do any exciting knitting. Right now I am working on a cotton tank top (in a lovely eggplant color) that I started last September. I finished the back last year, and then it started getting cold, so I put it aside. This was a fabulous idea, because when I took it out 2 weeks ago to work on again, it was almost done. So I am not feeling badly about winter sweaters that I haven't finished, because I know that I will be ready to finish them when the weather cools.


1 comment:

sherriknits said...

I can barely imagine what it is like to be in the house by myself. lol
Glad you had a good weekend!